The traditional Banga is a mud or coconut-leaf house. Huts are normally small- made by the boy of the house that want some independance from his family. Often painted with fun: here we have the "white house"....

Welcome, Bienvenu, Bienvenido, Willkommen, Karibou

Let us listen to the melodies of the depths...
New Video Release :

Where ? Chindini, Comoros
When ? September-October 2024
What ? Cetaceans conservation
After a long period of Covid, Moidjio is back and would like to invite you to Comoros islands to help us study the cetaceans of these beautiful paradise. This period is the time when humpback whales are coming by hundreds to bread in our water. Not only humpbacks are visiting but also all our fined friend are coming to the rendez-vous !!! Don't miss out!!! Comoros is sighting guaranteed sometime by thousands, check our programs, we will give the experience of a life time and you will learn from conservationist and king of acoustic Benjamin Wambergue.
contact @: moidjiobeach@gmail.com
News 2
Moidjio C.R.C.A.D. is looking for a sailing boat !
To all your contact please, we are seeking a sailing boat for a season to sail around the Comoros and record the rare marine species around these fabulous islands.